Elements and principles of design- Illusion of movement
Color- I used blue, white, red and a darker shade of purple for this work so that I can make the nighttime atmosphere and used red to make the people running upwards be the center of focus.
Shape- I used circles to symbolize boulders as the challenges on your path way up towards the goal and used triangle to make the mountain shape.
Line- I used straight to simulate the direction of the boulders moving which is downwards.
Space- for space I used overlapping for the people running so that way they wouldn't appear like they are in line formation and that they are coming from different directions.
Principles of Design: (movement, contrast, variety)
Movement- to make the movement in my work I used people running in upwards position and made an upward slope to show that they are running to the top.
Contrast- to make sure that the running people and the quote on top is the focus I darkened the background and same with the stars in the background also so that, once someone looks at this work their eyes will immediately go to the quote and to the running people. To make the running people noticeable I used a bright color as a contrast to the darker background and also the red also serves as contrast for the light blue because it's red is a darker color than blue.
Variety- there's not much variety to it other than the sizes of boulders going down from the top then, I used line to completely depict the direction of where the boulders are going to then lastly stars to show that it's nighttime,